Engineering, Sciences and Humanities


To develop a knowledge based society with clarity of thoughts and charity at hearts to serve humanity with integrity.


To empower youth to be technocrats of tomorrow with absolute discipline, quest for knowledge and strong ethos to uphold the spirit of professionalism.

Dr. Mrs. Sucheta S. Moharir

Incharge Message

Tech Pallottines,

Welcome to the Department of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities. In the journey of education, challenges are inevitable, but so are triumphs. As your First Year Incharge, I want to assure you that every obstacle is an opportunity for growth and every setback is a chance for resilience.

Remember, success is not just about reaching the destination; it's about the journey, the lessons learned, and the perseverance shown along the way. Together, let's embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and create a legacy of excellence.

With dedication, determination, and support from each other, there's nothing we cannot achieve. Let's embark on this academic adventure with enthusiasm, optimism, and the unwavering belief that greatness lies within each one of us.

Here's to a year filled with growth, achievement, and endless possibilities.

Together, let's make it a remarkable one!

Course / Program Intake
Mechanical Engineering 60
Electrical Engineering  60
Computer Engineering 120
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering 60
Information Technology  60
Civil Engineering  60
Computer Science & Engineering (Data Science)  60
Artificial Intelligence  60
Computer Science and Business Systems  60
Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security)  60
Industrial IOT  60
Total 720