Guest Lecture on “Data Analytic Tools”

The Department of Artificial Intelligence at SVPCET, Nagpur, hosted a guest lecture on “Data Analytic Tools” on April 4th, 2024. The event took place in the Seminar Hall & BS-17 Lab, Second Floor, Block B, aiming to shed light on the various tools and techniques utilized in data analytics. With an audience comprising 110 second and third-year AI students, the lecture addressed the burgeoning interest and significance of data analysis across diverse domains.

The session commenced with an insightful introduction to data analytics, stressing its pivotal role in extracting meaningful insights from extensive datasets. Mr. Rahul Nawkhare from Inurture Education Solution Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur, served as the guest speaker, guiding attendees through an array of data analytic tools.

Diving into the heart of the topic, the presentation navigated through an overview of data analytic tools, spanning from traditional software such as Advanced Microsoft Excel to more advanced platforms like PowerBI and Tableau. Each tool's features, capabilities, and real-world applications were meticulously discussed, enabling the audience to discern their relevance across various analytical endeavors.

Excel's prowess in data analysis took center stage, elucidating its functions, pivot tables, and data visualization techniques. Practical demonstrations underscored how Excel can be harnessed for descriptive and exploratory data analysis, offering attendees tangible insights into its utility.

The discourse further explored the landscape of data visualization tools, including Tableau, Power BI, and Matplotlib, accentuating their efficacy in conveying insights with impact. Through live demonstrations, attendees witnessed the creation of interactive visualizations, showcasing the potential of these tools in elucidating complex data patterns.

The session culminated in a dynamic Q&A segment, fostering interactive dialogue around tool selection, best practices in data analysis, and career pathways in the field. The event was coordinated by Prof. Dinesh Banabakode under the able guidance of Prof. Vikas Bhowate, HOD, AI.

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