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The Department of Civil Engineering organized an annual technical event CIVISTA - 23 for the students of Civil Engineering Department on 4th November, 2023.
This event consisted of a technical event and two fun events organized for the students of Civil Engineering Department from First year to Final Year.
AutoCAD competition was held for the students. Students were given a problem and they were asked to attempt the design using AutoCAD. 50 students participated in the event. The training about AutoCAD was imparted to students on 03/11/2023.
The fun events named Bollywood Quiz and Filmy Whisper also received excellent responce. Students enjoyed the technical and non technical events fully.
Ms. Revti Dabli and Ms. Megha Bawanthade, the student coordinator and co-coordinator of the event, briefed the audience about the competitions.Prof. Satish D. Kene mentored the programme and Prof. Ram P. Kinhikar coordinated the programme.